-------------------------------------- ==== MTA:mA:GRS v4.14 by Oli ==== -------------------------------------- READ GRS_CONDITIONS.TXT FOR THE LICENCSE AGREEMENT This is a general use script that was released with MTA:mA 3.x.x. It is for use with MTA 0.4.x and 0.5.x servers. Scripts and Programs by Oli. Contact: msn - ob1515@bris.ac.uk web - www.mta-fmj.com scripts - www.mtascripts.co.nr mta - mta:// irc - irc://irc.multitheftauto.com/grs Installation: 1. Follow the installer steps for installing MTA:mA:GRS by double-clicking on mtama.exe 2. Load MTA:mA via the usual method. (consult the MTA:mA manual for details). 3. Load "mtama.mrc" with MTA:mA's scripts loader. 4. Input your main "Client Admin" name/password when prompted. 5. Input your main "Global Statistics" name when prompted. 6. Configure the menu system to your specifications. 7. Connect your MTA:mA to your MTA servers. The script has the following features: - Multiple command support (ie !admin/!info) - All commands can have !pm suffix to have the information reported via a personal message (ie !pmadmin) - Events/Identifiers specifically for making Addon's for GRS (read grs-scripting.html) - Scripts Wizard - Global Statistics - inter GRS statistics viewable from www.mta-stats.com - Ping Kicker (On/Off - Configurable in menu) - admin immunity level option - Echo to mIRC Channel (on/Off - specify channel in menu. Can select a different channel for each MTA Server.) - IRC Control options for Echo - Customisable countdown script (!count) - CAPS Warning/Kick (configure in menu) - Clone detection (Warning/Kick) - Votekick system (configurable in menu) - Statistics Script (!stat) - Idle's kicker (On/Off) - Nick Change Detection (On/Off) - Nick-Serv (Nickserv - On/Off) - Memo-Serv (On/Off) - Kick Counter (On/Off) - Resolve Hosts (On/Off) - Status Menu (On/Off) - Spawn Detection (On/Off) - Trace system - Warn scripts (On/Off for all features) - Player join Subnet warning for banned players (On/Off) - Personal Blacklist system (On/Off - Location Scripts (On/Off) - Distance Scripts (On/Off) - Speed Scripts (On/Off) - Challenge Scripts (On/Off) - Welcome messge personalised (can be for certain names) - In/Out game menu stats - Admin add/remove/modify system from menu - Error debugging - Ping Graph - shows a graph of a selected players ping over the last 10 seconds - Welcome messages (On/Off) - Unknown detection - Suspect Script (On/Off) - Admin Away system - Auto Update feature (On/Off) - Reinstaller for failed CRC check - Admin System levels customiser - Personal scripts loader which does not cause double aliases if double aliases are present - Clan Tag protection (On/Off) - Constant weather (On/Off) - Anti MultiSpawn scripts - Vectors scripts (On/Off) - Favorites scripts (On/Off) - Area scripts (On/Off) - Find vehicle scripts (On/Off) - Anti heli kill/car kill/spawn kill/car jack scripts (On/Off) - Alias script (On/Off) - Directions with vector scripts - Scripts can be performed from PM and from admin - Ping flux calculator - Skin scripts (On/Off) - Health scripts (On/Off) - Error reporting on script functions - Clan PM feature - Auto login for admins joining with same IP as same previous login (on Player join and MTA:mA connect) - Secret client admin system - allows admin to become hidden and yet still perform admin functions in secrecy - Favorite weather reporting - Most crowded area report system - Scriptban players option (Stops them from using any scripts) - Top player in server reporting The script has a Nickserv in it. This allows people to register with the script themselves. This can be turned off in the /menu. It also has a menu system so it can be easily configured. To access this menu, type /menu in mIRC when the script is loaded. Players can also register their names on the Global Statistics database. "/msg stats help" for more info Here is a list of available commands with the script: Nickserv: - /msg register - /msg login - /msg logout - /msg account pass - /msg stats login - /msg stats register - /msg stats password - /msg stats help - /msg clan message - messages all members of present - /msg away - sets player to away ( is optional) - /msg back - sets player to back - /msg reply - replies to the last PM recieved by player - /msg help commands Admin: - /msg memoserv - stores a message to the Memo-Serv. This is transmitted to all current client admins - /msg admin secret - sets the admins status to hidden/visible depending on their current status. - /msg admin say - Says the from admin - /msg admin addplayer - Adds player with pass - /msg admin addadmin - Adds an admin of to the database. - /msg admin cancel - cancels a current votekick - /msg admin ping - sets the max ping to - /msg admin restart - restarts the server NOTE: All commands can be done with a !pm prefix to have the information reported as a Personal Message - !setcommand - Sets to - Admin commands only - !setlevel - Sets to (use 0 for to remove from admin) - !setping - sets the max ping to - !ban - bans - !unban - unbans if banned - !unbanip - unbans IP if banned - !tempban - temp bans for - !subnetban - bans and their immediate subnet - !blacklist - adds to the personal blacklist - !clanban - bans all members of present in server - !kick - kicks - !clankick - kicks all members of present in server - !revoke - revokes 's votekick rights - !unrevoke - restores 's votekick rights - !cancel - stops a votekick in progress - !host - reports the host of - !trace - reports the country of origin of - !ip - reports the IP of - !helikill - turns on/off the heli kill kicker - !spawnkill - turns on/off the spawn kill kicker - !carkill - turns on/off the car kill kicker - !carjack - turns on/off the car jacking kicker - !sun - changes weather to sun - !cloud - changes weather to cloud - !rain = changes weather to rain - !fog - changes weather to fog - !noon - changes time to 12:00 - !constant - turns on/off constant weather - !midnight - changes time to 00:00 - !morning - changes time to 07:00 - !evening - changes time to 19:00 - !warn - warns a player for - !unwarn - unwarns - !money - resets the money for players - !scores - resets the scores for players - !suspect - adds /NAME> to the suspect List. - !alias - reports the aliases used for (can do on players out of server) - !alias - reports the aliases used for - !pmalias - reports the aliases for in the form of a PM - !stfu - adds to the stfu list. They are kicked if they speak further - !unstfu - removed from the stfu list - !clones - reports all clone players in the server (players with the same IP's) - !commands - reports all the admin commands that your level can perform - !memo - returns the last stored Memo-Serv message and its details - !scriptban - Bans from using any MTA:mA:GRS Script functions - !unscriptban - Allows to use the MTA:mA:GRS Script functions - !update - Checks for MTA:mA:GRS updates. (Level 5 ONLY) - !recon - Reconnects MTA:mA with the specified connection mode. (If no mode specified, it simply reconnects) Player: NOTE: All commands can be done with a !pm prefix to have the information reported as a Personal Message - !votekick - starts a votekick on - !vote - vote for when a votekick is in progress - !banned - reports i has been banned at the server - !stat - reports stats (can use !stat for other peoples stats) - !clanstat - reports the total stats of - !in - reports the number of players in game - !in - reports the players currently in vehicles - !out - reports the number of players out of game - !players - reports the players in game, out game and spectating - !list - reports the players in the server in name form - !ping - reports the current and average ping (can do !ping for 's ping) - !lag - reports the lag between and - !lagging <-a/-f> - reports all the players in the server with a ping above . -a switch reports as average pings. -f switch reports as ping fluxes - !idle - reports how long has been idle - !admin - reports the current client admins - !away - reports the players currently away - !psl - reports the scripts loaded with MTA:mA apart from MTA:mA:GRS - !time - reports the time on the scripts server - !count - counts from